About us...
The Alabama Health Guidance home office is located in Florence, Alabama, and has been in business since 2010.
Our mission is to assist in educating people about their healthcare choices once they become eligible for Medicare.
Alabama Health Guidance has licensed representatives throughout the state of Alabama to assist in every region.
We are an independent insurance agency specializing in Medicare education and Medicare health plans. We offer free individual counseling sessions to help you understand the basics of Medicare and your Medicare insurance options.
If we can help you compare local Medicare insurance plans, let us know. We offer a wide range of local Medicare services to assist you. We want to be your local resource for Medicare education and Medicare insurance plans.

Medicare & You...
If you are retiring at 65, are you asking questions like these?
1. How long do I have to sign up for Medicare?
2. What are the late enrollment penalties, and how do I avoid them?
3. There are so many Medicare insurance options, how do I know what’s right for me?
4. Can I keep my employer coverage after I retire?
5. How do COBRA and Medicare coordinate?
Are you wondering about working past 65 and asking questions like these?
1. Do I have to sign up for Medicare Part B?
2. Should I keep my employer coverage or should I go to Medicare?
3. Is Medicare going to be my primary or secondary coverage?
4. Will I be penalized if I do not sign up for Medicare when I turn 65?
5. Does Medicare offer better coverage than my employer coverage?
6. What are the rules if I have a high deductible health plan and an HRA?
If these questions seem all too familiar, please, let us help!
Our experts are prepared to answer the difficult questions and help employees make confident Medicare decisions that will best suit their needs.