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Important Facts About Supplements
If you are considering a Medicare Supplement, or Medigap policy, for the first time there are some important facts you should know. To...
Choosing a Medigap Plan
Choosing the Medicare supplement, or Medigap plan, that’s right for you can be a difficult task. As mentioned in a prior article the most...
Medicare Supplements
Medicare supplements, also known as Medigap policies, are designed to help cover some or all of the deductibles, copays and coinsurance...
When I am doing a Medicare appointment, one of the questions I get asked the most is, “Does Medicare cover dental?” The answer to this...
Medicare vs Medicaid
It seems like potential cuts to Medicaid are all over the news lately. People who confuse Medicare and Medicaid are obviously concerned....
Durable Medical Equipment
Durable Medical Equipment are items such as walkers, wheelchairs, and hospital beds that are used in the home. Medicare will cover...
Prescription Drug Extra Help
Anyone who is on Medicare has the option of signing up for prescription drug coverage. This is also known as Medicare Part D. Some people...
Physician Charges
Last week we began discussing ways that agents and companies market Medicare plans to people turning 65. We discussed the phone calls you...
Mail, Calls and Door Knockers Part 2
WARNING!! If you are turning 65 over the next few months you will be inundated with mail, phone calls and sometimes people actually...
Mail, Calls and Door Knockers
WARNING!! If you are turning 65 over the next few months you will be inundated with mail, phone calls and sometimes people actually...
Annual Wellness Visit
Medicare wants you to be as healthy as possible. Because of this, Medicare offers you the opportunity to receive many of your preventive...
Medicare Part B Coverage
Medicare Part B is most used when you visit your primary care physician or specialist. But Medicare Part B is also used for many other...
Medicare Part B
Before we begin talking about Medicare Part B I would like to clear up something that was in last week’s article concerning Medicare Part...
Medicare Part A
On a Medicare card Part A will have the word “Hospital” beside it. Because of that Medicare Part A is most commonly known as the...
4 Parts of Medicare
Did you know there were four parts to Medicare not two? Did you know that two of the parts you can get through the federal government but...
Signing Up for Medicare - Part 2
Most Americans qualify for Medicare by turning 65 but there are other ways to qualify such as being disabled, having End Stage Renal...
Signing Up for Medicare - Part 1
The most common way to qualify for Medicare is when you are turning 65. You will have a specific time period, set by Medicare, to enroll...
Qualifying for Medicare
Medicare Minute
Important Facts About Supplements
If you are considering a Medicare Supplement – or Medigap policy – for the first time, there are some important facts you should know. To...
Medicare Fraud
As of October 2021, there were 64 million people enrolled in Medicare. A large majority of agents who assist Medicare beneficiaries are...
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